Friday, January 11, 2019


After 3 weeks in NY and Maine for the holidays I returned to the boat where Jerry said he had kicked the dancing girls off the boat for my return.  I had a wonderful time visiting with family and our friends Brian & Debbie and Bill & Laurie while in Pennellville.  I almost stayed long enough to celebrate Debbie’s retirement today.  While I spent time with family and friends Jerry stayed aboard in Georgetown.
He had an interesting snorkeling story to tell.  We often see sharks while snorkeling but they turn tail as soon as they see a human.  This time – not so.  Jerry had just speared his second yellowtail snapper when a 4’ lemon shark suddenly appeared and grabbed the shish-ka-bobbed snapper off the end of Jerry’s spear ripping off its head.  Jerry didn’t know what was happening until it had already happened.  He decided to swim back to the dinghy.  The shark appeared again.  After all, the other half of the snapper was still on the end of the spear!  In an effort to dissuade the shark he punched it in the head on its return but decided a better choice was to drop the spear with the half fish on it.  So back in the dinghy Jerry watched the shark eat the other half of the fish and swim off before getting back in the water to pick up his spear and continue with the hunting and spearing a lobster.
Life is back to “normal” on board.  We made a number of trips to town to buy fresh produce and whatever else we would need for our next adventure: sailing to Staniel Cay to pick up our friends Dave and Leesie flying in from Seattle!  They will be with us for 12 days.
Our friends Jerry and Donna on Bluejacket arrived in Georgetown about the same time I returned from NY.  After a couple of food/game filled evenings with them they continued south.  We will meet up with them in the Jumentos in February.
You will be able to actually see our position change if you look at SPOT starting tomorrow.
Jerry’s first yellowtail snapper and lobster.

Christmas dinner at the Shepard’s in Maine.  Clockwise: Karen, Sydney, Kira, Susan, Tom, Owen, Dad, Mom.

Here’s the kind of excitement Jerry enjoys: fixing Donna’s electric bug zapper racket.

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