Sunday, February 12, 2017


What do we do all day down here in the Caribbean?  Sail repair for one.  The main sail overlaps the backstay at the top and it chafed along the SSB insulator that had a cotter pin sticking out.  Just enough to tear the sail and the mainsail leach line.  We took the sail apart and installed a new leach line and a patch.  My sewing machine wasn't working perfectly on this heavy fabric so we ended up hand sewing most of it.  Now - it's like new and ready for our next adventure!
Jerry sews the mainsail.

Kevin and Cindy flew in, so back to the airport by dinghy for their salty pick up, we provisioned, and off we cantered the next day with our goal to reach North Gorda Sound by Sunday for Superbowl.  The wind picked up as we beat our way first to Great Harbor on Peter Island and then on to North Gorda Sound on Sunday.  Yacht Shots came by when we were sailing and took pictures (available for purchase at 2017 Yachts or click here Your Events)
32 Photos taken of Persephone by  Check them out.

Kevin gives the thumbs up.
 Kevin and Cindy had virtually no experience sailing before or staying aboard a sailboat but within a few days we were all working together as a team hauling the dinghy and motor, handling the sails, changing the boat from a floating hotel to a yacht each day.  Cindy even took a turn at the wheel.
Sorry Cindy.  I know you don't like your picture taken but this is perfect.

  You sail while the guys relax!

They thoroughly enjoyed the sailing though a bit green at times with the big seas. They even got to experience a rogue wave as they sat on the catwalk and were soaked with a 7 foot wave!   We watched the Superbowl at the Bitter End Yacht Club’s Crawl Pub.  The Pub had lots of tvs for outside viewing and 2 big projection screens.  Palm trees swaying, boats at anchor, and a sky full of stars were in view along with the Superbowl as we peered at the screen towards the water.  
Superbowl on a Big Screen with the North Gorda Sound in the background.
 We spent the week snorkeling, reading, playing games (lots of games!), telling stories and laughing.   Did I say laughing?
So many games!  So many tally sheets!

How’s that for a vacation!  And as Jerry said, “just when we got them whipped into shape for the sailing life they had to leave!”  We sure are glad they came down to share the week with us!
Kevin and Cindy at Peter Island Resort

Jerry, Kevin, Cindy looking down on Peter Island Resort's Beach